nie luahan ati saya~~
Sabtu, 1 Februari 2014 • 4:39 PG • 2 comments
every single second in a minutes..
every single minute in hour..
very single hour in a day..
every single day in my life..
after i meet u...
my mind....
and my heart...
just for you...
you just like my oxygen...
without you...
i can died in deep...
u make me mad...
but somehow..
i cant to hate u...
when i see u..
i feel sad..
then i ask my self...
`why u are not mine??`
`why u must have GF
`why we are not together??`
when i saw your smile....
i feel dizzy...
i feel like want to cry..
coz your smile was not mine anymore...
u belong with another girl...
then i start to make a fake smile in front of u...
i cry in my sleep....
i want u to know...
i love u more then just aS BFF...
i want u to be mine....
u driving me crazy...
u make me want u so badly...
please take me as your angle...
and be with me forever...
u cant listen it...
or see my love....
i dont know why...........
Label: jiwang |